Sunday, 22 January 2012

Optimization of Entisols

Entisols known as marginal soil. The primary factor in which can became a limiting factor was soil solum. The solum was very shallow, and lithic contact could found in 30 cm depht from surface soil. The characteristic of Entisol was known as soil with 2 profile layer, A layer in which dominate with sandy texture, and B layer in which dominate with parent material. The B layer was become limiting factor for root plant expansion, and it become primary problem for agriculture establishment in area were Entisols dominate in large area. In recent day the use of organic mater was  already done in order to reduce the soil limiting factor for better use. For more information about the research project about Entisols with soil optimization model  Click here

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Join with Chitika

Chitika was the corporation was build in 2003, that offering advertising link program with 30.000 website pages. Chitika allowed the bloggers to advertise the Chitika product . The Blogger who join with Chitika called as publisher, for join with Chitika   Just Click This

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Yesterday when i opened my e-mail i found this message. I begin to think this was a good offer from NatGeo, i mean that was special discount for one year of National Geography in one year editions. As special gift in last year season  i think it was great. and for all NatGeo  customer, and for getting  order click this.  But i am not sure about the date range or period for this product offer.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Guitar Effect Guide : Boss Guitar Effects

Many guitarist still love with the stomp box effect, may be for its performances, or its ability than multi effects sound. Boss already know as stomp box guitar effect brand, and offering many type of sound color  from Drive  to Distortion and its variants like ultra distortion, turbo overdrive. For most guitar beginner may be it seems confuse to choose without guide, so Boss Book give us complete and detail about about Boss compact effect, including the design history,  colorful and very helpful for beginner, and professional.  For more information Click this

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Randy Rhoads

Randy Rhoads known as Ozzy Osbourne band guitarist. He start his career with Quiet Riot in 16.  In 1979 when Ozzy Osbourne ex Black Sabbath  forming new band called Blizzard of Ozz,  Randy was  join with Ozzy  and produce some hits called   "Mr. Crowley"  and "Crazy Train". Randy was known as neo classical guitarist with good skill, and he was including in many name of  best guitarist player. Randy was have a short carrer, when he died in air accident in 1982. Ozzy made an tribute album for Randy Rhoads  with title "Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads  Tribute". for more information
click this

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Les Paul and Friend

Lester William Polsfuss (June 9, 1915 – August 12, 2009) was a Jazz, Country, Blues guitar, and he was the pioneer in solid body guitar development under Gibson mark. Even he was not the first found the sound effect like overdub, delay, and overdrive, but he was known as the one who early experimented with those sound effect. This record was dedicated to him as appreciation to his whole carrier in music. For more info about Les Paul Click this

Monday, 16 May 2011

Children Novel : Ronya

Ronja name of the girl was born in thunderstorm raged over the mountain. Her father Matt was the leader of band robber that live in that mountain. Ronja love to play alone in the forest that she fells truly like home, till one day he meet Birk the son of Matt's enemy, together Ronja and Birk go through their own adventure away from their father hostility.
Astrid Lindgren known as children novel writer tell us very lovely story about friendship and adventure. She dedicated her self for children's literature as we know "Pippi Longstocking: was her best writing too
I read this book when i was in college, i love children's literature when i was in elementary till now. there was something we still loved that we can not leave about our chilhood, like our imagine, fantasy about our own adventure.


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