Weeds are plants growing out of place and tends to interfere with the needs and human activities. Agriculture in the tropics tend to prolong the life cycle of plantpests, which one of them is a weed. Unlike other world who know the four seasons, the winter may be several species of pest life cycles have been interrupted by winter, so that at the time of entering the spring and the beginning of crop planting, species that have experienced extreme conditions during winter , compete again with other species to occupy space and dominate an area and agricultural land. Weed is actually known to man at the time humans started farming activities. In the days of yore where man has not engaged infarming, weeds may be a part of the ecosystem that exists and yetthe status of plant pests. When humans began to feel the decline ofagricultural output due to the presence of foreign species and undesirable, then the man began to draw a line between cultivated plants and weeds. Status and identification of weeds emerged atthe time humans began to grow crops. Some weed species statuschanges when humans discover the usefulness and benefits ofthese species, so that the species has been changed status fromweeds into cultivated crops.
well..i don't know..??
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